St. Paul Al-Anon/Alateen Intergroup
Minutes of Intergroup Meeting July 8, 2014

The meeting opened at 7:03 pm with the Serenity Prayer.

Chair, IR, Uptown Tuesday 6:30 pm A
Co-Secretary, IR, Midway Wednesday 6:30 pm
Assistant Treasurer, IR, Inner Peace Thursday 11 am Al-Anon
Newsletter Chair, IR, Monday Midway Men’s 7:15 pm
IR and office volunteer, Compassion Al-Anon St Paul
IR, Superior Street AFG
IR, New Brighton Thursday Al-Anon

There were readings on Tradition 7 and Concept 7.

It was noted that a quorum (5% of groups, that is, 6 or more) was present so substantive business could be done.


1. Questions/Concerns
There was none.
2. Additional nominations for 2014 open positions
There were no nominations or volunteers for Vice Chair, the only open officer position. A member said he might consider it but made no commitment.
3. Other open service positions
No one volunteered to serve in any of the other open positions: Liaison to Minnesota South Area Assembly, Group Liaison, Event Sales, Alateen, Archives, Public Outreach, and Institutions.
4. SPIG inventory: Questions 1 – 3
We discussed the first three questions on an Intergroup inventory prepared by a member.
Question 1: “Are bylaws reviewed / available to all who attend?” The answer was “not always.” Copies were found for a couple of members who had not seen the by-laws. We were reminded that they were available on the web.
Question 2: “Are guidelines for all service positions updated / understood?” It appeared there was no procedure for updating them and several people said they were unfamiliar with them.
Question 3: “What is our primary purpose in meeting?” The bylaws state “The purpose of Intergroup is to aid Al-Anon Groups, serving the common purpose of carrying the Al-Anon message to the suffering families and friends of alcoholics.” This includes “maintaining an office that is open on a regular schedule for the sale of literature and providing telephone and internet information about Al-Anon and about meeting times.” The puspose of the meetings is to plan and coordinate things to support our purpose.
The next four questions will be addressed next month.
5. Volunteer sheets for hospitality suite at Fellowship Weekend
The Chair will email signup sheets for volunteers at the hospitality room Friday evening and Saturday morning. There was a lengthy discussion on food.
6. Update: Calling groups to update information and invite Intergroup Representatives
The volunteer doing this has done all she plans to do. There are still a number of groups that have not been contacted. The Directory Chair will bring calling sheets to the next meeting.
7. Al-Anon meeting at Fellowship Club
A member announced that Fellowship Club had expressed a wish that there be an Al-Anon meeting for family members of their clients. She has been laying the ground work and the first meeting will be 1 pm Saturday July 12. She hopes to have a roster of 7 or 8 experienced members involved, with two serving each week, one to read and chair the meeting and one to give a short talk. She has prepared a draft script. The meeting will be self-supporting and will pay rent consisting of 50% of each week's basket. She has already spent $103 on literature and copying. She will draft an announcement for the newsletter.
The meeting will be closed with probably no more than 12 – 14 attendees.
It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously that Intergroup will sponsor this meeting on a trial basis for 6 months.
8. Hazelfest August 2, 1014
The Chair has signed up volunteers for Hazelfest.
9. Questions/Concerns/Other Business


She has been recruiting Hazelfest volunteers. She will draft something for the newsletter and will make arrangements for the Fourth Step workshop.
Vice Chair
The position is open
The co-secretary summarized the minutes of the June meeting. It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve the minutes, after a correction of the spelling of Alateen.
Although the treasurer was not present she had provided a report as of June 30, 2014. There was a balance of $6,284 in the checking account and $5,000 in our prudent reserve Revenue for June (sales, tax, contributions [from Assistant Treasurer’s report]) totalled $2,620 and expenses totaled $995. Expenses were relatively low since we had no expenditures for literature purchases in June. It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously to approve the Treasurer’s report.
Assistant Treasurer
Her report showed June sales of $1,533, with $116 in sales tax collected. Group contributions were $962 from 12 groups. It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously to approve the the Assistant Treasurer’s report.
Office Volunteers
No report, although it was pointed out that currently July has only one unstaffed day.
Office manager
She brought up the issue of replacing our copier which is old and makes terrible copies. A member will try to find a replacement. It was moved, seconded and voted unanimously to authorize the expenditure of upt to $500 for this purpose.
Everything is on target. Informations is requested by July 20th for the August Newsletter. We have about 200 people on the email list now. If you know anyone who would like to receive the newsletter via email, forward their address to editor.
Speaker Chair
No report.
Event sales
The position is open.
Liaison Minnesota South Area
The position is open.
No report.

The meeting closed at 8:03 pm with the Al-Anon Declaration.

The next meeting will be August 12, 2014 at 7 pm at the Griggs Midway building.

St. Paul Al-Anon/Alateen Intergroup Home Page | Index of Available Minutes

Edited for the web 11 August 2014